Sublime Text Best Packages

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Sublime Text 3 (ST3) is a lightweight, cross-platform code editor known for its speed, ease of use, and strong community support. It's an incredible editor right out of the box, but the real power comes from the ability to enhance its functionality using Package Control and creating custom settings. Sublime Text 3 is pretty good out-of-the-box but reaches a whole new level when you install some of the great packages on offer. Below I'll list my favourite packages for Sublime Text. These are all packages which will enhance your productivity across all languages, so no themes or language-specific packages will be listed here.

A comprehensive textmate / sublime text bundle for the Jade template language. Github page This was made specifically for Sublime Text 2, but was tested and works with Textmate 2 and Sublime Text 3. Updated on April 13th, 2016 in #dev-environment. 25 Sublime Text 3 Packages for Polyglot Programmers A recap and showcase of 25 Sublime Text 3 packages I use on a day to day basis as a developer who uses multiple technologies.

Sublime text the most liked text editor for web designer and developers. You might have seen pro developers using sublime text with beautiful layout and theme design. Today we will guide you through installing and configure some essential packages to customize sublime text and make it attractive and amazing.

Pre-requirement For Customization

Mainly, there are two ways to install packages for sublime text. One through package installer and the second is to install manually. In this tutorial, we will use package installer. If you are brand new to package installer, here is how you use it.

Package Installer is simple a way to add plugin or new feature to sublime text. By default, you can not use it in sublime text. You have to install it. It's pretty simple. Just to go package controller site and install package controller.

Depending on your sublime text version, copy the code they give you and open sublime text. Go to view > show console, past the code and press enter. It will install package controller. You will see two new options under the preferences. Package settings and Package controller.

We will use package control for installing new packages. Click on the option and you will see a pop-op window. Type install package and enter. Wait until the new window open. Now you can install any package or theme you want.

Customize Sublime Text, Installing theme

Material design and material theme is one of the most liked theme for sublime text and other text editors. You might have seen other pro developers who are using this them. Here is how you find it.

Where you install packages, search for Material theme and install. After installation, restart the Sublime text. Now you must can customize sublime text for current user.

Go to Preferences > settings – user.

You will see some default options. Customize it they way you want. Here is a basic customization options for material theme. Just copy and replace everything and save it.

After saving the file, you will see the material theme effected.

For more options, check the documentation for material theme here.

Install Color Sublime

Color Sublime is one of other great package for sublime text. It will help you customize sublime text color. Search for sublime colorsublime package and install.

To use color sublime, write colorsublime in package control instead of install package. And than you can install any theme color you want. If not sure search for Facebook, or bitterweet that looks good to me.


Now you know how to install package and themes. Feel free to search for other packages that you might like and install theme. I hope it has been informative for you. If you have any good package or question, feel free to share it on the comment bellow. 🙂


Resources for Standard ML in Sublime Text 2, including syntax highlighting, a build system, and snippets.

Best Sublime Plugins



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A set of Sublime Text 2 resources for SML (Standard ML).

If you had previously installed this package into your 'Packages/User', you should consider reinstalling as described below to get future updates.

  • Language definition for SML. Provides syntax highlighting in Sublime Text 2 and TextMate
  • Snippets for common SML constructions: 'let', 'case', 'fun', 'fn', 'structure', etc
  • Example theme 'Son of Obsidian' that works with the SML language definiton
  • Build system: will run SML and CM files within Sublime

Sublime Text Plugins

The best way to install is to install the Package Controlpackage and search for 'SML'. Package control will automatically update your copy of this package when you start Sublime. To install using Package Control, press Control/Command+Shift+P in Sublime, type 'Install Package', then search 'SML (Standard ML)'.

Another good way would be to clone the git repository directly inside yourSublime 'Packages' directory. Due to the unfortunate naming of the git repo,you will need to clone into a specifically named directory for the build system to work:

git clone 'SML (Standard ML)'

This way, you'll be able to 'git pull' to update the package, and Sublime will see the changes immediately. You can use the Preferences>Browse Packages menu within Sublime to get to the Packages directory.

Otherwise, clone elsewhere and copy the files into a folder called 'SML (Standard ML)' in the Packages directory.

Syntax highlighing should work automatically with '.sml', '.ml', '.cm', and '.sig' files. The .tmLanguage file should also work with TextMate to provide syntax highlighting.

Snippets will be available for all of the above file types. A full list can be found through the Tools>Snippets command. To use a snippet, start typing the name and press tab when the autocomplete window suggests the snippet. Currently included snippets are: 'case', 'datatype', 'fn', 'fun', 'functor', 'if', 'let', 'signature', 'structure', and 'val'.

The example theme will be available under Preferences>Color Scheme. The example theme is an example of how to create a theme that matches SML. Most existing themes should work as this package uses a common naming scheme. This example .thTheme should also work with TextMate.

The build system will use the 'sml' command to execute the file currently beingedited. You can also directly run CM files to use the compilation manager. The build system can be started with F7 or Control/Command+B.

On a Mac, the build system will attempt to locate SML and execute it. It will beable to find SML if it was installed via Macports or the SML installer package, or if it was installed in '/usr/bin', '/bin', etc. Check the '' file for a full list of locations. It will also be able to find SML if it is available on your PATH variable.

On Linux, the build system will be able to locate SML if it is available on yourPATH variable.

On Windows, the build system executes the 'sml.bat' file installed by the SML installer. This file should be on the PATH, so should work automatically.

Sublime Text Package Manager

The build system captures error output with a regular expression, so doubleclicking on an error in the output window will take you to the file and lineon which the error occured. Alternatively, use F4 and Shift+F4 to cycle througherrors.


First, try closing all files, quitting Sublime, deleting the .cache files in the 'SML (Standard ML)' directory under 'Packages', and starting Sublime. Then reopen any files.

If your copy of the package is still not working and was installed via Package Control, start by attempting to upgrade the package. Press Command/Control+Shift+P and search for 'upgrade'.

If an upgrade does not fix the problem, try to uninstall and reinstall via Package Control.

Finally, consider opening an issue on GitHub.

Feel free to fork and contribute to this package. Any additions are appreciated.

Adobe premiere pro cs6 best buy. If you intend to edit the package and have installed it via Package Control, you should switch to install option two above (clone the git repo) to avoid having your changes overwritten. You may need to uninstall the package in package control.

Sublime Text 3 Python Best Packages

.JSON-* files can be used to generate the .tm* files and vice versa, if you prefer to work with JSON. You will need the 'AAAPackageDev' package for the JSON build to work. Note that this package uses the .tm* files and excludes JSON files, so be sure to build the .tm files and don't commit the JSON files.

Best Packages For Sublime Text 3

Also be sure not to commit .cache files.

Originally written by Sean James, while taking 15210 at Carnegie Mellon.

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